My Schedule to Italy and HK

23th May : leave PP
24th May to 3th June: will be in Siracusa, Italy. the training and a moot court
3rd to 6th June : Rome, italy
6-7 June : HK
7 June evening : PP

Here is my plan and stuffs i take with...i will try take as less as i can:

Plan to Europe:

1. Important Documents:
a. Passport
b. Money: ...
i. ... Euros
ii. ... Dollar HK
c. 5 Copies of passport and visa
d. Map
e. Book translator from English to Spanish
f. Book of International laws and document, the compromise and all lesson..

2. Baggage:
a. One suit
b. 2 trousers
c. 4 Shirts
d. 4 T-shirts
e. 3 Robes
f. Two jeans
g. Makeup:
i. Doir, …
ii. Small pink Hair Iron
h. 3 shoes:
i. flip-flop,
ii. high hell,
iii. sport shoes
i. Medicine***


Unknown said…
What a detailed schedule. I think you should also take anything that you think it's necessary. going on a trip like this is quite hard when you miss sth. u forget ur camera heuy anyway :D
Phossdey said…
So jealous!!!!!!!!!! Wait to see the photos though ^_^
Rana said…
YOu forgot the toothpaste and toothbrush, hehhe just kidding.. Rana

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