

I have been with my husky for the last 12 years. Recently he has many health complications and heart failure which means he has only from 6 months to 2 years.  I prayed so hard to the Mother Nature that please to give him at least 1 year so that I can spend the last fine with him. My prayer is being heard and I got greedy that I could could even lived longer.  When he crosses the rainbow 🌈 I hope I will see him in the next life πŸΆπŸ‘§

How I live without my baby?

 I remember I cried my eyes out hugging from a heartbroken and drunk night. He didn’t like being hugged but he would tolerate.  Now that I feel his time is coming - the vet said husky here would only live up to 10 or 11 now he is 12 it means it’s his time.  Ive been crying for the last few days and want to avoid the problem. I need to be brave staying by his side. 

Lift Crush

I was late for work as usually so I had to run to the lift ASAP. while I was running, of course I noticed a handsome tall dude. I was like, "aiii yah I am late, I cannot stop to admire this beauty haha". The lift was about to close its door, there he was, standing next to me with many people in the lift too. My mind wasn't function well, so I couldn't concentrate what to do or say. Suddenly, I found out another colleague was in the lift too and we bushed out loud cuz it was funny. I wish I could turn my head and see him one more time.  just another crush story :)

Last Minute Sapa Adventure: Pushing Limits

Again, I booked my latest trip like a day before! This time, I joined my friend on a trip to Sapa, Vietnam.  I wanted to challenge myself and see if my body could handle the hiking and long days (12 hours!) exploring with my younger friends.  Since I was on a budget, I booked a transit flight from Phnom Penh to Hanoi with a layover in Ho Chi Minh City. This turned out to be a bad idea! Going through immigration twice was a hassle, and luckily, I hadn't checked in my luggage, or it would have been a disaster. To top it off, my flight was delayed twice for a total of two hours, making me arrive in Hanoi at 11 pm.  Needless to say, I wasn't thrilled about waking up at 5 am to catch the 6 am bus to Sapa. Despite the rough start, I made it (with a few complaints!). The first day of hiking in a village was an amazing experience. I absolutely loved it! The rest of the trip was alright, but it did feel a bit touristy.  Overall, it seems my workouts and weekend walks with Ald...

Mr. A

  Back then, I have way too many crushes you could ever imagine. I am not like I am now 😬   The first boy I ever talked to (he is not one of those of my imaginary crushes who only happened in my head) way back when I was in year 1 or 2 in university. Let’s call him Mr. A.   Mr. A studied IT (if my memory doesn’t betray me) on government scholarship abroad with a bunch of handsome other dudes there; but, he was cute at least in my eyes. β€œI” no no no β€œwe” talked a lot like A LOT, and shared photos here and there. I was so unexperienced and naΓ―ve, I even printed his photos in one whole album so that I could stare at his picture in silent. I only met him one time with other friends so we didn’t have any meaningful conversion or holding hands under the moonlight. But after a while, he had a gf whom he married with a kid until now. He met her during his study abroad and that’s all. But it didn’t end there or at least for me.    So?   I was upset because of my on...


  So?   I have spent way too much time watching 100 Chinese series – I should be banned using all these social media platforms. And, I have become an anti-social which I have never thought of before.   The latest series I am watching is called, Lighter and Princess. It is about the puppy love between a cold hearted and genius guy and an innocent and hart-working girl. They both study IT, programing… it reminds me of my childhood dream of becoming a hacker haha! I know, I know!!!    What if I start learning it now by myself? Would it be possible? Only time could tell… 

Love and lust

It would be nice to have someone to talk about universe, alien, hiking, adventure to the unknown places or saving the world without laughing or judging each other.  Do people value the deep talk with a person over their appearance, wealth, status in society and so on? I am genuinely curious 😬