For a big while I have blocked my blog because there was a long story which I cannot tell, it’s kind of confidential work. I start to write my blog again because I want to have good connection with people who are from a part of the world to share ideas, life, and learn any new experiences. During my break time, I have spent five months in the Office of Co-Prosecutors of the ECCC(Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia = Khmer Rouge Tribunal) as an intern. I have been so busy and really excited what I have been working. I worked with both international and national people, which gives me a lot good experiences. First week I worked at the ECCC, we all just were so happy that we got an internship at the court till we forgot what the obstacles were. All four national interns including me were innocence people who did not know anything. So I got an idea what shall we do to make other people to know that we are useful and can help them as they were unaspectable or unbelievable. I ma...