
Showing posts from February, 2015

Career - Forward!

It's been awhile i haven't blogged! I have a surprising news to share, I'm going to work for a big law firm ^^ I will be working in Thailand for about a month or so then they will start to have office in Phnom Penh. The first time I learnt about the law firm, I saw it on internet and rumor spreades that they will come here. For some reasons, I didn't have courages to apply. One day I was invited to have a dinner with one of the partners to discuss about legal service market here and I didn't expect much except friendship and professional networking. It turnt out that they would like to meet again and maybe for a job opportunities :O so I had dinner and interview and the next few days they offer me a job ^^

Daddy sick

In Calmet hospital at 10pm Cuz My dad had his head scanned. While we were waiting for the result, my big sis asked for selfies @.@ Thz God, the result is okay but we plan to visit VN for futher checkup.

Life is hard! Then I should work hard for life that I always wanted!
