
Showing posts from 2023

Mr. A

  Back then, I have way too many crushes you could ever imagine. I am not like I am now šŸ˜¬   The first boy I ever talked to (he is not one of those of my imaginary crushes who only happened in my head) way back when I was in year 1 or 2 in university. Letā€™s call him Mr. A.   Mr. A studied IT (if my memory doesnā€™t betray me) on government scholarship abroad with a bunch of handsome other dudes there; but, he was cute at least in my eyes. ā€œIā€ no no no ā€œweā€ talked a lot like A LOT, and shared photos here and there. I was so unexperienced and naĆÆve, I even printed his photos in one whole album so that I could stare at his picture in silent. I only met him one time with other friends so we didnā€™t have any meaningful conversion or holding hands under the moonlight. But after a while, he had a gf whom he married with a kid until now. He met her during his study abroad and thatā€™s all. But it didnā€™t end there or at least for me.    So?   I was upset because of my on...


  So?   I have spent way too much time watching 100 Chinese series ā€“ I should be banned using all these social media platforms. And, I have become an anti-social which I have never thought of before.   The latest series I am watching is called, Lighter and Princess. It is about the puppy love between a cold hearted and genius guy and an innocent and hart-working girl. They both study IT, programingā€¦ it reminds me of my childhood dream of becoming a hacker haha! I know, I know!!!    What if I start learning it now by myself? Would it be possible? Only time could tellā€¦ 

Love and lust

It would be nice to have someone to talk about universe, alien, hiking, adventure to the unknown places or saving the world without laughing or judging each other.  Do people value the deep talk with a person over their appearance, wealth, status in society and so on? I am genuinely curious šŸ˜¬

a little update - long time no see!

What has happened in the last 7 months? I have claimed a bit of the corporate ladder after working hard enough -but at the same time, I feel like I have sold a part of me and my soul to the corporate world. I have tried to choose the projects that I feel fulfillment. I have assisted ministries in drafting some regulations. I know I am not old enough to draft laws but I am kinda cool haha! I am thankful that my bosses and colleagues let me attend the annual ADB meeting in Incheon, Korea - I am a bit proud of myself since I am the only individual to attend this alone. Before that, I went to Kyoto (10 days) and Osaka (5 days) for almost three weeks while I was working remotely. So I kinda worked a bit and saw the charm of the city in the slow phase. I always love Japan! When I arrived on the first day in Osaka, I did a bit of googling to see if I could join any hiking. I ended up messaging a few groups. I decided to join a friendly hiking group at 10am on that same morning - the only prob...