Tough Time at xxx!!!
Now i'm abit busy with my job in xxx. However, I really enjoy that job because the international intern and xxx's staff are friendly and helpful. We all say Hi, Hello, How you are.... and also smile to each other. I have known a lot good, nice , friendly people there and i gain a lot good things and also good experience. Anyway, I just hope that I have good time and a lot good memory with them and i will never forget them. -Sovanna: Khmer Intern, Cute &Friendly -Bri : US Intern, Friendly &nice smile -Rath: Khmer Intern, Cute,i think;") -Thom: Us Intern(orinational nation is korean but born in Canada , and study in Haward Uni , US ) Friendly, Gentle, and Nice guy. A party with all OCP (Office of Co-Prosecutor) stuffs!!!!