Showing posts from February, 2008
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After the competition it seems all my energy gone away!!! I am so exhausted, and then got a snap:) and feeling hungry so i went to my favorite place for fried-rice! then i didn't know what to do since all my friends seem really really really busy :( so i decide got a ride to rive side a lone. So i shotted some pictures of PP tov. Garden is really beautiful, and there are a lot people hang out around including couples! my favorite fried-rice:D
International Client Couselling Comepetition
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Inte rnati onal Bar News SEPTEMBER 2007 33 A competitive approach to client counselling Steven Michael Austermiller A competition inspired by the 1960s initiative of a Los Angeles lawyer – and supported by the IBA – has stood the test of time. It now attracts students from all over the world, who learn the sort of skills not generally taught in their law schools An attractive young woman has a meeting with her lawyers and has a sad story to tell. She has been misled by her boyfriend. After meeting him online and carrying on a long-distance romance, she agreed to his request to move to his country and married him. But after quitting her job and moving, she learned that he was already married. She asks her lawyers, through teary eyes, what should she do? Does she have to return the engagement ring? Does she have a cause of action against her boyfriend? Can she sue the online operator? Her boyfriend is separated and promises to get divorced soon. If she decides to stay in his country and ...
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Lately I've very busy with school, application, hunting job, and preparing the TOEFL. Wow now it's 2:22am i can write three posts!!! I still worry about the competition, not sure whether i get it or not but i do work so hard on it, and have been asking people for help! I have to do my best to not make them hopeless on me :) Today i think i didn't get any sleep!It's bad but i have to. I don't know if i'm going to be ok with the competition since the rest people in the team seem do not really want to corporate all together. Anyway, I'm working on it so hard! At least i did try my best for it so i will not regret whether i get it or not! Sou Sou Sou, Rath ;")
What a bad day!
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I almost hit a car parked on the road, i was wondering what the hell i was thinking of or i might be thinking about the competition of ICCC(International Client Counseling Competition). Another bad luck, I crossed a road without watching cars and motorcycles in front of me...What was i thinking??? I had a small group discussion of our assignment, and due date is on Feb 15 it took about one hour and half. Then i came back to the park place, i found out that i lost my ticket for my motorcycle!!! GHOST... what a bad!!!! I took this pic when motorcycles was broken down on my friend birthday, i missed her BD...It's really bad! I was waiting at least an hour till it turned out to be ok!
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Team presentation about Demotic Violence. There are only free of us who are short-sighted but we forced her to wear glass as all team members are wearing glasses! Doesn't it funny? My Shoe was broken after i took this pic! Luckily, i went school with friend:D Does he look so funny? Oh god, one of my classmates, She's pregnant!
I'm bored!!!
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I woke up at 7:30am, I think it's early for me since it's holiday! I helped mum cooked food for Chinese New Year. There are always same foods, Noddle fried, Chab Chhay... Unluckily, I have a lot work to do and the deadline is in February. You can see my plan below!!! I'm going to pack my laptop and some documents to work somewhere else because if i don't wanna stay in room in whole day!!! it makes me stressful and damn bored! Plan: 07.February. 2008 1.THE STUDY OF THE ... INSTITUTES—Feb.14 a.Filing Application form b.Recommendation: i.Margaret c.Document: 2. ICCC: Feb.20 a.Searching internet: i.Sample of Client Counseling 1.websites 3.Video ii.Got lecture with: 1.An..s 2.Al.. 3.Margaret iii.Collect books and documents related to ICCC 3.ASSIGNMENT:Feb.14 a.Constitutions b.Dara 4.TOEFL: March a.ITP b.iBT 5.Internships: March a.ICTY b.ICC c.Seron leaon I just realize that i like taking picture of my shoes!!!
Party!!!!!After the boring exams!!!
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Yesterday, I woke up so early to join the training client counseling course at Sunway for a whole day. It was interesting; there are six universities participated, and it was about 50 participants. It was a really long training; however we were lucky enough we got serve lunch at Sunday. I didn't eat a lot and i had to rush to make up hair because I joined my NGB, small phors'wedding, untill 10:30pm i got home, i was so exhausted. When i got home i sent some pic of the wedding to other NGBs i know that they really want to see them that's why i got the worth e-mail from my teacher at psychology school that the assignment i've done is still not complete, and he says "you're still fail" I am mad so much. There was so long story about it! just don't want to remind this worth thing again. Any i'm really headache with a lot of things which are not untellable! i wish i could spread it out. Vatha,me,Keat,Vathanak,Panha,Puthy,Lida,Bong Pheak! our food!!!Yumm...