
Showing posts from August, 2008


This morning I went to Bathroom, in the mirror I saw someone else ugly and hopeless who is another me. I ask her what happen? she says I'm so stressful. Why? Because of lot things. Oh!!! poor u.... what is gonna deal with that? I wish i could... I really want to hit my head to the wall then i can have a excuse to take a few days off. Or when i cross the road, I stop in the middle of the road so i'm going be injure so i can several days off. Idiot!!! Idiot? yes, I am! but what else I can do now! eat your stress and sleep on your nightmare. that's it? yes! Okay, will see if i can do that! Blogged with the Flock Browser


I wish I could ... I wish I would ... I wish I should have ... I really want to learn how to accept the truth!!!

A memory of a Victory day, ICCC in India

DSC00828 , originally uploaded by Nearirath Sreng . It was a unforgeable moment when I did a very good job on the first of the International Client Counseling Competition, Bagalore, India. So all victories are in your hands, if u know how to get it! For more pic:

What the... [?]

Today at work, it was a boring day as usual! While i was surfing the internet, there was a phone ring. Human Resource dept wanted to meet me about the employee contract. Oh ghost! I'm going to sign another long-term contract soon. Then it means there will be a little chance to move to another job, which is enjoyable one. Please pray for me 0-O really wish the ECCC contacts me and says i would get a job there. Okay, hope i can survive there! Blogged with the Flock Browser

My Weekend!

Suck TN!!! too much smoke. I bet that most people there are going to have cancer soon Cute friend, Vathana :) New hair style with a cowboy hat, I didn't buy it...damn! Your friend ask you, where are we going? What do you suppose to answer? *-O Eating? Shopping? Playing games? Gym? Swimming?...But where exactly is good places to go? None! Phnom Penh is very small place, no where to go!!! So my little sister and I usually end up to drive till we figure out where shall we go, it's suck. On Friday morning, I had an interview a job at the ECCC again. Even though I think I did a good job, who knows if there is still corruption--Opp!! CAN'T SAY IT OUT. In the end of the interview, they asked me do i have sth to add; and I already planed that i was going to say "Though I have heard a lot about exhausted funding, and my parents are not so happy if i work here without salary, I would like to clarify that working at the Tribunal is my dream :") I think they like it, cuz it i...

What is a meaning of life to you?

Life – Dream = Nothing Life – Love = Nothing => Dream + Love = Life!! As I have said so far that I don't like reading much but I'm so satisfy after reading a very good article of the CEO of Apple Computer. I got this from Tharum facebook. Sharing this article would help more critical thinking about your life!!! 'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005. "I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for anot...

Don't u see 7 ghosts?

IMG_0846 , originally uploaded by Nearirath Sreng .

too heavy just now!

me in the darkness!!! u just can't advoice face it even u don't want, u can't make it work even as much as u try, u can't dream of it even u try ur best, u can't enjoy life even u pretend to be it, u can't accept it even it is true already, i wish i could be myself all the time and i just don't want to stand any more!!! oh,,, gosh!!! i should be stronger than now if i really make my dream come true and nobody can change mine and nobody can take it away from me too.... A winner never quit, and a quitter is never win!!!!!

7 ghosts in Prey Veng

IMG_0716 , originally uploaded by Nearirath Sreng .


Embedded Video Blogged with the Flock Browser

Competition [?]

I have not been sleeping in peace, my brain doesn't stop thinking and worrying about many things. I'm afraid some day my brain doesn't work, what's gonna happen? I'm so Yab. Four years at rupp, I had been told to be positive thinking and be good to yourself bla bal...I think i still can't do that...useless! If my head were just a like a computer, i would forget what i'm worried!!! Me on the way to school. Now i'm taking two more extra classes, International Criminal law and International Public law. I'm kinda lazy right now :( cuz I don't wanna do any more assignment either presentation but these two course are too good!!!Okay, let's make myself more busy again and again though i promise myself that i'm going to have a wonderful vacation soon. but now it turns out nothing but work. We meet almost everyday to prepare for the coming competition at school. We're going to read thousand of pages. Though my prof. said do not make urself los...

08-08-08 & Patry Farewell

Today I had three Chek Angs ចេកអាំង​​for my lunch Srey Nig-so so hmmm talk a lot, and me Er... me and sis. group picture កំពុងវាយគនា

Sending Bong Pao Pao Off

06082008373 , originally uploaded by Nearirath Sreng . Kunthy, Rath, Ya, and Virak. We all are going to meet up soon again :) somewhere around the world :)

Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition

Now in its 50th year, the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition is the world's largest moot court competition, with participants from over 500 law schools in more than 80 countries. The competition is a simulation of a fictional dispute between countries before the International Court of Justice, the judicial organ of the United Nations. A team from each participating school is required to prepare oral and written pleadings arguing both the applicant and respondent positions of the case. Thousands of law students from around the world will work all year long on this season's Jessup Problem, which will address the power and authority of the International Court of Justice and other important international law issues. Most students must first compete in national and regional competitions (mostly held in January-March) to earn the right to advance to the world championship Shearman & Sterling International Rounds held every spring in Washington, D.C. The 200...