The Coming Moot Court on 20th

Moot Court, originally uploaded by Nearirath Sreng.

it's more and more scary than i thought! it's going to be a serious one this time! because i think Anees who is Human Rights professor and a few top people from the ECCC are going to be judge who are five people to join the real Jessup moot court. :(

Am i gonna make it? :S


Anonymous said…
Oh my friend, I think you will make it. :-)
Unknown said…
Wish you could be one of them to join! :)
Anonymous said…
I found this post is very interesting and would like to share something. Success or not will depend on how confident you are. But trust and believe in yourself that you can do it, it will be helpful on that day. I am not sure how you have already prepared, but if you have not tried the first play among all of your members, you should do one. You may concern about the content of the case or materials you have to read, but I think it is more important to know what role you are and how to play this role on the competition day, as a lawyer or as judge. I think your members should try to play one or two times in front of your friends before going to compete with groups of other schools. And get comments from them to improve your skills. Skills and professionalism is more important than the contents of the materials you are reading. This is my experience I learnt. Good luck on the competition day.
Anonymous said…
Try ur best girl!!! You'll get it!!!

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