Yellow Monday

Monday!!!-sometime i'm so wondering why the sunrise so fast on morning morning...i don't want to wake up, and don't want to go to work! lazy. What a bad day!!! it was raining non-stop, i decided to walk to TN to wait sister there. On the way it was flooded, and poor shoes, i love them so much :( I wish i could put them in my back =( okay Monday has gone...Tuesday has come with a smile because my boss give An Bav for Pchum Ben, how nice! and i bought a new cheap cute phone :) order to celebrate it, there will be a party with my family for a dinner. We will have soup then will have ice-cream called earth quake...will take a lot pictures :) My cute and poor shoes! My picky sweety phone :) there was a joke in my office that PINK mean, first love or maybe just the beginning to love :D haha i said because i'm not a sweet girl so i should use sweet phone to help me (^^)