0.2 Second

Just 0.2 Second missed, there would not have been the road accident on 10 August 2020 at 13:15. 

The car driver missed calculating the timing when there is a motorbike took turned in front of him that he would not hit the bike. The enormous consequences is the car actually hit the bike and the girl on the bike. 

I was in the car with my colleague, her husband and the driver and rushed back to the office to the usual busy day. At the time of the accident, I was looking at the side car window without my glasses on so I did not witness the actual accident myself. But, I vividly remember the scream from my colleague very loud saying that "please help the girl, please help the girl", I turned around and saw the victim. 

My brain went to freeze mood and did not know how to handle the situation. There were the victim, my crying friend who was too shock and the standbys who all tried to help the victim. As such, I tried to protect my friend who stood in the middle of the road and there might be a thief taking her purse or jewelry and I observed the situation on how to help. So I came to my sense and I told the standby and help the victim that. "please take her phone from her back and try to call her family members or friends" but as foreseeable the phone was lock and the victim was awake but was still in shock to do anything. So my friend called the ambulance and things got better so we left. 

It took me daysss to get my emotional right and moving on from what happened on that day. 

Why did he rush for that 0.2 second? 

What can you do with that 0.2 second?

What I should have I done to be more helpful?

What if I knew first aid?

What should I learn to handle better next time?

these probably are things that I need to figure out and I will take my time.


Anonymous said…
we need a better insurance policy, a better culture in regards to insurance.

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