Short Story 1

 While I was driving along the way to treat myself a nice dinner at my favorite restaurant near Russian Market after I finished self-quarantine for 2 weeks (sorry for such a long introduction), I was a guy in his 50s volunteering to help with the traffic was asking a carrot from a passenger in a bike with a cart full of carrots. Kindly enough the passenger gave him more than 2 and even-handed the middle age guy a plastic bag to take more carrots. 

I was so moved and realized that sometimes the kindest people are the poor. It not how much you can give, it is your willingness to share.

Be kind :)


I see it a lot here, i hope this will happen more in the cambodian society. How are you doing by the way? such a long time. :) hope all is good with you dude. Thinking of you from Washington State. :)

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