Award Introduction
SVhk/ Updated on June 2011
In Brief Innovation culture is relatively weak in Asia, and that also creates a big barrier for social entrepreneurship to groom in the region. Besides, social issues in urban area in Asia are quite alike. It’s worth our time to think about social innovation ideas together and share experience along the road. To pathway for a sustainable development of social innovation culture in the region, we would like to initiate the discussion by promoting social. The Asia Social Innovation Award would serve as one of the pioneer to create this new page.
1. To arouse public interest in discussing innovations and actions to be taken to drive social
changes in urban area in Asia.
2. To promote the culture of social innovation and enrich people’s knowledge on local social issues.
3. To encourage the sharing of experience and ideas among Asian cities, through a simple chanism, so as to engage with more ‘laymen’.
Project Concept
A simple idea-generating competition calling for level-zero social innovation ideas.
• Three social issues were identified for the 2011 competition (see below);
• Collect ideas in the form of 200-500 words or in multimedia, e.g. graphics or videos;
• Winner will be awarded with US$250 each and may receive a free trip to Hong Kong for
the Award Presentation Ceremony (subjected to confirmation from sponsors);
• Awards will be presented at the Social Enterprise Summit 2011 in Hong Kong;
• Finalists’ idea would also be posted on web for public’s reference and further discussion.
See for last year’s winning ideas.
Target Participants General Public, with specific focus on existing stakeholders – those people interested in social entrepreneurship: NGOs/NPOs, civil society organizations, business corporate, universities, and social enterprise circle etc.
Urban Social Issues
Poverty: What can be done to alleviate poverty from bottom up? What are the viable solutionsfor low-income families to survive inflation?
Environment: How can we sustainably reduce pollution and preserve the heritage in our city?
Aging Population: What innovative ideas can you think of to help our society adapt to an
aging population?
Selection Criteria
• Criteria include originality, viability and sustainability of idea etc.
• Apart from imaginative and innovative ideas or concept, existing ideas are welcome.
Mid-July – September: Start to call for entries and promotion (posters, leaflet, email etc.)
Mid-October: Cut-off entries & judging
Early-November: Announce of results
Late-November: Award presentation and Trip to Hong Kong (To be confirmed)
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to work on all 3 social issues?
For each application, you only need to suggest an idea that addresses one of the social
issues. You can at most submit 3 separate applications, each of them tackling one of the
given problems.
How can I submit my application?
We strongly recommend applicants to type out their idea and submit your application online through If you are unable to do so,
Can I submit in other languages other than English and Chinese?
The judging panel will only judge those ideas that are in English or Chinese. If you unable to fulfill this requirement, please consult the organization you belong to, and see if they will be able to translate the main theme of your idea and send it to us.
How can I learn more about the award?
Further information of the award can be found on and if you have any enquiries, please feel free to send us an email to or the organization you belong to. We will get back to you as soon as possible.