What happen to me???

These days i am very sad. I will lose my good friends both old and new friends. One of my NBG(Naughty Girl Band) will leave here to US on Sunday, two more will go to Japan, and more and more will leave me too. I'm really unhappy when i heard that one of my friends failed scholarship and another one passed. I wish both of them would pass it then there would be nothing gonna happen like this. Sorry i can't say all about it because it's all about confidential.

One inter' intern will leave the trail tomorrow too. Oh!!! god,,, what happen to me now? i'm really missing the time we all were together...

I am planing to apply scholarship abroad so i would have a good job with a good salary then i can visit them in their country!!! One inter' legal consultant of OCP said to me that you must apply scholarship to only top world university, and he will help anything I want like writing reference. I am so happy that now a lot people encourage me, and help me. I’m planning to apply scholarship next year. And I now have four people help me. Tom is big guy who is really gentle to me and Sovanna who is another Khmer intern in OCP. He is our TOEFL teacher. Neha is scholar from Oxford University, is my supervisor who help me with application, and Brianne who is my lovely friend also help me with the application as well essay writing. I love you all ;)

I don’t know whether I will make it or not but I never ever give up for my future and my dream. I do miss all my friends ;) all my lovely friends please wait me there when I can afford myself, I will to see you there ;)


I cant cry anymore to see ma friends came back to der homelands...m(T_T)m
Famous univ. is good........hey y dont you try to get JP scholarship...maybe i can give u some inf...cuz m one of dat scholarship student for so long up to now...
blackandwhiter said…
hm... i also want to apply jp scholarship!!! but priority country i want is USA becasue Law field in USA is more better than JP and also betterothers Asian coutries, this is what most pp said to me!!!
Sure, US is so cool among all countries, i think. It is good if u can go to Yale, Harvard ...university. Tokyo University is also famous for Law major....
Wish u will make it into ur own cuz u r so smart.

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