What are the tips when you work non-stop?

Please help, i need to strong enough to read and write tong pages everyday! I usually have four or five hours for sleep, and i eat not so regular breakfast, lunch neither dinner.........

need help....how to be full of energy even you don't have enough sleep?


Unknown said…
u must have enough of sleep when u want to work over time like that. it's impossible that you want to do work without eating or sleeping... take care of ur health !!!
mara2go said…
Reading, Eating, Enjoying and Creative Thinking.

"no pain, no gain"
Unknown said…
Hey Rath, good luck! Don't work too hard though, and get enough sleep. But I know you will do well!
mara_gogo said…
self-discipline, Rath. I think you've already known what our brain's basic need are to keep it stand strong.

I believe you CAN do your best at this unexpected dream(Steve Jobs, Best
CEOs of 2008: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122954764699015363.html)
K.K. said…
The tip to be strong enough to work non-stop is to have hope for what you are going to do. Hope is the best medicine that keeps you going. Hope for the best you can do! Dont' forget to take care of urself. :)

Good luck,


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