My mission is 99% over :)

IMG_1033.JPG, originally uploaded by Nearirath Sreng.

Today i have a match, the Phillip C. Jessup International Moot Court, with USA from Columbia University. It was quiet good :) this is what we got from judges.

We didn't expect much from the match today since it was so tough to compete with Columbia University like them. But finally, we did it, and it's just like a miracle.

The brief, the writing memo is too good enough to scare us before the match but we were just so lucky to have very lovely judges. They just keep asking questions, and looking us in eyes of ...what should i say...he think of us just a kid, and he is just smile at us all time while we proceed our speech.

We know already that we couldn't win the awesome Columbia team but we are so proud enough to get a word excellent from judges.

"It is very honor to die under the name of hero :) " this is what we say before the match.

We will have a final match tomorrow but not my turn with Brazil then we are free from Jessup, and no more nightmare. Parties will come along and it’s time to rock and role :)

Another mission is to impress the other countries that Cambodia are smart enough to against the west , white skin, and anyone. But we just can't guarantee to win :D since we're not from super school and ton books to do research like in usa or in the west.

The last mission to learn from awesome experience to share with kids next generation.

see ya guys.


Anonymous said…
សួស្ដី នារីរ័ត្ន! រីករាយដែលបានស្គាល់។ ឥឡូវនេះ ប្លុកស្ប៉ត មានអ្វីប្លែកច្រើន ឲ្យយើងធ្វើបាន

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