a quick update about RATH

Hey guys, I'm back and still alive at least :)

Oh...hmm... I'm going to University of Hong Kong in late Aug this year for my LLM, how cool? but i don't know... quite weird feeling, don't wanna leave family, friends and everything(him) here but it's just 9 months course! hope i will survive ^^

Op! because of the phone interview and writing test, i was about to die cuz it had been five days stuck on bed. I have changed three different doctors, seem they couldn't find the exact symptom or sickness. but whatever... i'm still alive!

On Saturday, i jointed Sai's Concert at Chinese House, it was cool though i couldn't dance as much as i wanted cuz i'm still in process of recovering :)

Sour's BD :) wish her all the best.


Unknown said…
Congrats on starting your LLM. I have a Japanese friend doing his MBA in HK. You should contact him. He worked in Phnom Penh for awhile.

Best of luck in your studies.
mara2go said…
take good care of your health and wellness.

P.S: congrate and well done, rath.

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