Quote of 39th week, Monday, 26 September: A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.
Ref: 2609 /11
Good afternoon, Dear colleagues,
It gives us great pleasure to inform once again about the GNLU International Moot Court Competition to be held in Gandhinagar, India.
The Problem revolves around various facets of law – international law, free trade agreement and sports law. http://gnlu.ac.in/gimc/ gimc2012.html
GNLU invites you to browse the GIMC website and take part in the GIMC 2012, which will be held at the GNLU New Campus.
GNLU will offer sponsorship in form of local hospitality boarding/lodging for the participants from developing countries. If funding is the sole constrain for team’s participation, please let us know. We can jointly approach funding agency, diplomatic mission, educational departments, sponsoring agencies, among others.
Looking forward to your participation, we remain.
Best regards,
Bimal N. Patel
Bimal N. Patel
Gujarat National Law University
E-4, GIDC, Electronics Estate
Gandhinagar 382 028 (Gujarat)
Tel: + 91 79 2328 7157 / 8
Fax: +91 79 2328 7156
Email: vc@gnlu.ac.in
Website: www.gnlu.ac.in