June 19 2012 
Current price (KHR)
Upper price limit (KHR)
Lower price limit (KHR)
Volume (shares)

PPWSA has rebounded from 6,600 riel to close at 6,650 riel thanks to a late surge buying in interest during the second trading session. In fact, the first session was unusually quiet with no shares being exchanged between investors by 9am. However, the trading activity picked up moment later when orders for 6k shares went executed to help PPWSA finish in the green zone for the first time since 5th June.

Outstanding buying shares were recorded at 32,947 versus 18,397 unexecuted selling shares.

The market movers on the sell side were Cana Securities (5,000 shares), and CVS (1,000 shares). On the buying side, Acleda Securities (3,802 shares), and PPS (1,823 shares) were the most active traders.

Return since IPO: +5.56%


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