will i? - ASEAN Blogger Festival 2013

Why you want to participate in the event?"
I would like to write about my background related to blog, and how much I want to be part of theASEAN Blogger Festival 2013.

I am a blogger and always will be:
I am short-sighted and I couldn`t study Technology Information as my dad said. So I had to choose something else such Psychology and Law. However, I do not give up my passion in technology, computer and especially in blogging. I even have a dream to be the best hacker/geek in the world. This is why by joining this event, would give a chance to meet other geeks in ASEAN

I created my blog in 2007 while not many Cambodians or not even my friends understood what blog is. I never thought having a blog, writing very personal life experience would give me so many fans and followers. Later we become good friends such as Keo Kounila.
In 2008, there was a bloggers event calls “Clogger” which mean Cambodian bloggers. Since then I started to have connection with other Cambodian bloggers and started to promote the freedom of speech through writing their own journal on their own website so called as blog. In early 2008, we created a group to encourage university students to use blog. We have taught them on how to create blog and what the advantages are. In late 2008, I went to the first Barcamp Saigon as I wrote in my blog http://blackandwhiter.blogspot.com/2008/11/barcamp-saigon.html. this opportunity leads me to know more bloggers especially I met the most famouse guy names, Preetam Rai.

In 2009, during my law school, I was the founder of the first National Jessup Moot Court Competition to represent Cambodia to the international round in Washington D.C., USA. But at the time, we did not have enough funds to go abroad. So I launched ablog call www.jessupcambodia.blogspot.com. The purpose is to share experience how tough it was for us as law students from a poor country like Cambodia. Throughout my blog, we received some donations from other law schools in the U.S.A., and gained a lot supporters to give the team courage. 

Last but not least, I wish to participate this ASEAN blogger Festival 2013, I hope I can share my successful and obstacle by using my freedom of expression through blogging.

 "What do you think about bloggers in ASEAN should do for the coming ASEAN Community 2015?
Everyone is entitled to exercise freedom of expression throughout many forms including social media like blogging. Social media has been played a very important role in order to empower the freedom to excess to the truth story. Maybe Cambodia is known as one of democracy country, but it is not fully granted. Therefore, somehow, the government controls news. But, people in 21th century have many ways to access different sources of information such as independent news online or various blogs.

To answer the question is organizing more events and open to more ASEAN bloggers. The purposes are to share and explain their country what is ASEAN community 2015 strategies.
ASEAN Community 2015 is economic integration transforming ASEAN into a single market. The integration economic will benefit to all ASEAN country members exemption tariffs, and various taxes as it will be designed by ASEAN.

This next step will give both challenges and opportunities when the ASEAN Economic Community creates a single market for economic development. Example of Cambodia, some local businessmen fares of losing business when there are stronger competitors for other ASEAN moving office to here, another fears is that losing their jobs to ASEAN neighbors. However, minister of commerce of Cambodia says “We have nothing to fear from openness and competitions as we strengthen and diversity our economy and build our nation.”
All these concerns can be discussed at ASEAN blogger 2015. That is why ASEAN blogger is a powerful network where we can share and empower the social network.


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