A memory of a Victory day, ICCC in India

DSC00828, originally uploaded by Nearirath Sreng.

It was a unforgeable moment when I did a very good job on the first of the International Client Counseling Competition, Bagalore, India.

So all victories are in your hands, if u know how to get it!

For more pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nearirath/sets/72157604507127028/


Anonymous said…
Oh, u used to go Bangalore, India? I did too. I miss Bangalore now.
blackandwhiter said…
Yes i went there to participate in the International Client Counseling competition!

If i say i miss Bangalore, it's truly alive!!! The food there is suck cuz i had lost weight 4kgs for ten days. Really can't imagine if i go there again. I might miss people there, and some a few places i missed cuz i didn't have much time to travel!
Anonymous said…
The first time I didn't like the food but after that I like it very much. Now I miss Indian food, I miss the people there. Oh the people in downtown, they are handsome and beautiful. Haha wanna go there again!!!
Anonymous said…
Look like you had fun there, huh aun?
ALICE said…
I had been there; Bangalore for 4 dyas during the winter in 2006.. it is such a nice place.. and i like it very much..

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