family picture! excluding me :O(

IMG_1730, originally uploaded by Nearirath Sreng.


Anonymous said…
oh, that's my math teacher. Are you his relative?
Anonymous said…
ខ្ញុំបាទ ជាអ្នកចំណូលថ្មី សូមការរាប់អានជាមិត្តភក្រ្តផង​បានទេ?
Unknown said…
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blackandwhiter said…
oh he is my dad :D heheh
Anonymous said…
i went to study at his house for about 3 years, but I never saw you.

As I remember, he has a son. Hmmmm, so you are his .........?
hahaha... oh my.. who said my friend is a ....?? hehe... pity rath... :D
blackandwhiter said…
yab mem= all men are yab...hahaha!!! i'm F!
F?? hey.... clarify it... :)

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