First Day

I got up at 7am which is unusual for me :( and just tried to be a good employee. It’s about a month only in morning to do an inducting course with other new staffs. It's ok, not that boring as. We will be trained some new courses such as communication skill. In the end of the training we will take the test if we fail, we will repeat the course a gain. WOW! It’s suck since I have to take three days off next week for a final exam at RUPP, and will see if I can survive.

It took two months to decide to choose the job at the bank, an internship to International Criminal Court (ICC) in Netherlands (Plus trip to Europe for my summer graduation) , Jessup moot court in DC, US , and While I am waiting to hear from the ECCC. I wish the tribunal could tell me earlier than the Bank since I would like to pursue a LLM specific in Human Rights and Internationals Criminal Laws. But now it seems to me … hard to get them 

Today it turned out completely opposite from what I expected. I thought that there would thousand works I would do, and I would not have a relax time at all. Everything is nothing, I was too free and we only talked, eating and drinking [Water]. My new colleges also told me to do my own work since we don’t have much thing to do. However, it’s good as well so I can do some preparation for the final next week and preparing the moot court.  Oh my new colleges are so friendly and nice…sleepy now need to get some sleep to fight for tomorrow.

Op!!! tooooo bad there is no computer, no wireless available, no water (can say that), no my own desk [yet], no freedom :( Luckily i still can work with my k'chas laptop!

I'm going to deal with these doc.The lonely Lunch! C'est moi[?]


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
look funny wt ur docs..
n ur 1st day working, u pale..
come on.
be motivated wit ur choice .. rath rath ..
Ed Dba said…
wow...i love to share ur lunch.. ;=) it seems u are a busy woman with the big pile of papwerworks :=)
Ed Dba said…
oh forget to say...j'aime tes lunettes ;=)
Bicyclemark said…
Hey Hey my new friend. Just chiming it to say YES you must be accepted to the ECCC and the ICC and all those CC's.... the point is you have to come to the Netherlands because then I can show you around Amsterdam and take you for a boat ride. It was good meeting you and I really liked hanging out at T and C.
Anonymous said…
Work hard Rath! I finally find your new blog address... take care and again, WORK HARD! Cheers-- Oboon.
blackandwhiter said…
Anonymous 1:12Am...yes i know what I am doing. I will take care my choice and try to handle it :) though i already what is going to happen while i've been there.

ed dba: I'm so glade to share and know new friend...just let me know when u're is my #012455368. (i found out that u're female...which is good;)

Mark: definitely, i'll go to ICC, Netherlands and we'll meet again. Recently, i'm preparing the Jessup moot court in DC, USA, for next year that's why I will delay my internship to be in May 2009. Hope will see you there or when you come back here again :) nice to talk to you in T and C.

Oboon: Oh!sorry if i have told u the wrong one :)

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