Traditional Massage or Kos K'chol កូសខុល់

I just got a traditional massage, i don't really believe in but my mum ordered to so no choice...


Exam season is almost done: last one to go tmr., and it is the last day at RUPP!!! Will see if i can do it well or do worst! feeling bit nervous...2nd day of Final Exam at RUPP


Ed Dba said…
oh no dont kos k'chol or chab k''s really not good for ur softy skin and its' not recommended by any Doctor... ;=) why not just take simple medecine?!
ur title and content doesn't match.. it was about kos kjol and suddenly changes into final exam. Hehe.. me also.. i dun believe in that kind of treatment.. if that one is a must, i believe that all european extinct long ago. Anyway, good of u that u still can smile during ur final exam.. All the best!!
Anonymous said…
I think that kind of tradition message is ok, ur mom is right. After u took that, u felt better right? btw, after i have heavy drink... if i don have that trad message, i don't feel good at all.. feel like no power, want to throw up, dizzy.. bla bla bla
I really miss my RUPP then. :( [RUPP, i'll see in the next 2 years. ]
Anonymous said…
ppl say cuz yin n yang was not in harmonized.. well i got it done twice. it help. !!! wish ur exam gd luck n best result !!!
thomas said…
no pic from the spa? :-((( greetings from saigon.. how is the new job??
blackandwhiter said…
Ed Dba: I was so weak till i couldn't say no so i just let them to do it after i a bit felt better but not much cuz my back is still hurt. I did take a lot medicine that's why try not to.

Vuth: I just don't want to separate into two tittle since i hate to think of putting title :P peope are born with different nice smile so why not just smile even u're sad, Rath and you should too :)

Rak3k: i think i found your blog somewhere so you should show off your blog link...Mum always said that if we do listen to her she will say...ï told u!!!

Sopeha: That's ok, i'll say hi to RUUP for you when i have a graduation party there:)

Stranger: what is yin and yang? thanks for your wish, i thikn it work :D

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