Traditional Massage or Kos K'chol កូសខុល់
I just got a traditional massage, i don't really believe in but my mum ordered to so no choice...
Exam season is almost done: last one to go tmr., and it is the last day at RUPP!!! Will see if i can do it well or do worst! feeling bit nervous...
2nd day of Final Exam at RUPP
Exam season is almost done: last one to go tmr., and it is the last day at RUPP!!! Will see if i can do it well or do worst! feeling bit nervous...
Vuth: I just don't want to separate into two tittle since i hate to think of putting title :P peope are born with different nice smile so why not just smile even u're sad, Rath and you should too :)
Rak3k: i think i found your blog somewhere so you should show off your blog link...Mum always said that if we do listen to her she will say...ï told u!!!
Sopeha: That's ok, i'll say hi to RUUP for you when i have a graduation party there:)
Stranger: what is yin and yang? thanks for your wish, i thikn it work :D