

Bicyclemark said…
Nice! Wish I was there.... enjoy!
Mr cold said…
Hi there, sexy Cambodian!
Remember, "I learned to run home as fast as could and read" and was not disapointed!

Super BarCampSaigon today!

Rock on Sexy Cambodian Bloggers!
Here's my blogpost;
Unknown said…
Eh, u've been there already? I wish I could join!! :(
blackandwhiter said…
Mark: you will make it next Barcamp Phnom Penh, or you may attend Barcamp in Netherlands :)

Really thanks for attending my session, though i didn't do so well :)

ice-cream: later you must join us ^^
Unknown said…
Your session was interesting. Nice to have met you all.

Anonymous said…
Say "Hi" to sexy Combodian blogger :) I really enjoyed your session at Barcamp Saigon. Nice to meet you.

I'm Kevin An's friend btw

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