Celebration for Obama victory

FCC, McCain V. Obama by you.

FCC's wall of "McCain Vs. Obama"

Celebration victory for Obama, FCC by you.
A unknown band is singing my favorite songs, love it ;-)

We decided to have German food, it was a joke about chicken,
i said that it's German Chicken that's why it's really big..
a German guy behind us laugh..haha i think it's funny too =]
I voted for Obama from Cambodia by you.
Getty Images)
You're our hope... "Nothing impossible"
Blogged with the Flock Browser


coffee is now more expensive than milk...hey.
Unknown said…
Err, some people do not believe that Obama would win haha...
Sambo Samphors said…
wow... that's interesting!
mara2go said…
Obama = Einstein
mara2go said…
Quiz: whom said this?
"So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other."

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