after having lunch with Cambodia Ambassidor in Washington D.C.

IMG_0928, originally uploaded by Nearirath Sreng.

The weather is damn cold with a very cold wind so everyone is just freezing.

It's good that finally Mr. Embassidor understand us.

Q: What are you doing here?
A: we're representing Cambodia to join the world largest competition of Phillip C. Jessup moot court.

Q:Who does send you here?
A: No one exactly, but we are making history to lead our own team to be here. In order to have USAID to lead or make project something like this they have to write a proposal which would take years, and it would not be able to happy too since they never thought that we have ability to join such a big competition like this because lack material of internation laws, professors and stuffs like that. So, he finally got what we are trying to explain him.

Q: ....more questions shall be posted next time :D


thomas said…
Instead of smiling into the camera the ambassador should give you guys the money for the flight. I am proud of you, finally you made it!!!
I work for a non-profit organization that is trying to help Cambodia:

We are in need of volunteers, especially lawyers, if you are interested.
Anonymous said…
hey guys, good luck to you all. stay focus and do your best. u guys r representing our country, khmer pride is in ur hands. i will try to check up on u guys. contact the embassy if there any issues. oh yeah, this is Visalsok by the way. i dropped u guys off at the hotel. keep me update, ok?

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