Big lost - King Norodom Sihanouk passed away

Millions Cambodians are mourning over the death of the king. 
However, some people are not even sad but anger the king that 
he is the blame to be blame on over the Genocide. 
Sadly those people do not read or do more sufficient research on history on 
how the Khmer Rouge occur. I do not want to make any argument here.

Quote from Facebook friend:

Sorida "5 hours waiting under hot sun really worth the wait. I saw Samdach Ta's coffin, King Sihamoni, Samdach Yeay.... I worship for Samdach Ta in front of Royal Palace.. I saw people giving free pure water to everyone, I saw old ladies giving free incense stick to anyone who go to worship in front of Royal Palace, I saw people gather the big mess on the road after the procession... I feel so blessed... "

Dary "News of King Father's passing away came out of a sudden. And it seems suddenly he is being loved like never before. I wish I had a chance to converse to him. Rest In Peace."

My quote "A penny from my thoughts, oh no I'll sell them for a dollar, but they are worth so much more after I'm goner - If i die young lyric -"


Chea Sok said…
mourning makes u eyes black...

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