Cloggers Informal Meeting :P

IMG_1777, originally uploaded by Nearirath Sreng.

Viirak, VuthaSurf, Geoff, kounila, me, Tharum


Unknown said…
Ornh! Ot mean me??? ot invite me tov jeung? :( men sok jet tes hik hik :((
Anonymous said…
Cool j! keep up your good work. Cheers!
not nice picture again.. it's blur blur... :( can't even see u clearly...
Unknown said…
ahha sometimes life is BLUR! lolz.. if u get what i mean!
Anonymous said…
Hehheeh, that is not bad, pix of me had been taken together with all of you too. I thought i was late to meet all of you.
Bicyclemark said…
ooooh -- hello to the cloggers! wish I was there.
blackandwhiter said…
Icebreaker: I know you will have final exams next so i don't u would be interested in it! ok, next time u'll be invited :)

Piseth: Thzzz

vUTh: hmm cuz we have only shot which is taken by a waitress!

Vutha: hahaha a lot pics of u, if u want it i can send to u :)

Mark: heheh, we have time, we might meet again here or in Netherlands :)
Unknown said…
eh, yeah, thanks a lot for your understanding!! my final is coming next week :( eh, u do know hheheh! :) thanks. thanks!!
Fake Hun Sen said…
I don't think i'll show up just yet with a blog like mine :)

The Secret Diary of Hun Sen

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