Dear Nearirath,

Thanks for getting in touch. As far as I know, EWMI is planning on going ahead with another round of the Client Counselling Competition.You of course would be the obvious candidate to go to that competition. Can you check with Steve about the relevant deadlines. If EWMI can't do it, maybe we can get some help from the ECCC people.

There are several other competitions which we are considering entering. The most difficult of these is the Jessup. There is a huge amount of reading. Remember the huge readings I gave you on the made up problem for the moot court? Well, that was just part one. Part II which I am in the process of printing out will be over 1,000 pages. Most of the pages are two or three very long opinions of the international court. I am checking the rules of the competition of the Jessup to see if it would be okay if I summarized the unimportant parts of the case so that we could cut down on the reading.

Before we commit to the Jessup, which I think allows for five members on the school team, I want to make sure that students will do their part. That's one reason why we are going to do the moot court which is based on the problem Annees gave you. I am going to hand out Part II of the materials on Friday. I will summarize the long cases. Since it's just our moot court we can make up our own rules. If you have time I think it would be a good idea for you to participate in our moot court. You have to participate if you want to be considered for the Jessup.

Two more things: (1) You need to take an IELS or a TOEFL so we will have a starting point when we look for scholarships.and (2) would you like to be a teaching assistant in the International Criminal Law class which is going to be taught by a friend of Dr. Jorg's from the ECCC. The teaching assistant is an idea that we are borrowing from the US. The responsibilities of the teaching assistant are to give a quiz at the start of every class to make sure that the students got the basic points from the previous class. Like we did in ASEAN legal systems and to make sure that students have a good attendance record. Unfortunately, this is not a paying position put would look very good on a scholarship application. The only other 2005 student being offered this position is Chhor Sunhong for family law.

Well, there's a few things to think about.



Sambo Samphors said…
There you go girl! Jealous hahahahaha....
GB said…
Woah... can't wait to see you become a TA and may be soon Prof...^^

Congratualation and of course at the same time kinda feel jelous...! Well, grab these chances, don't let it fly away...!!!

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